
Launch of Universal Methyltransferase FP Assay

Sevivo is excited to announce the availability of their universal methyltransferase assay. This fluorescence polarization assay affords real-time monitoring of methyl transfer from S-adenosylmethionine to any methyl donor. Our assay does not care if you are studying an RNA methyltranferase, DNA methyltransferase, protein methyltransferase, lipid methyltransferase, or any other class of S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltranferase. This assay can also be used in an Endpoint format.

Launch of Universal Deadenylase FP Assay

Sevivo is excited to announce the availability of their universal deadenylase assay. This fluorescence polarization assay affords real-time monitoring of release of adenosine monophosphate from any polyadenosine-containing RNA substrate. Just add your deadenylase and your RNA substrate and monitor the change in fluorescence polarization in real-time. No need to use fluorescently-labeled RNA substrates or to run gels. This assay can also be used in an Endpoint format.

Launch of Universal Radical-AdoMet FP Assay

Sevivo is excited to announce the availability of their universal Radical S-adenosylmethionine assay. This fluorescence polarization assay affords real-time monitoring of release of adenosine 5’-deoxyadenosine from any Radical S-adenosylmethionine enzyme. Just add your enzyme and substrate and monitor the change in fluorescence polarization in real-time. This assay also be used in an Endpoint format if desired.